Saturday, April 30, 2011


One of the first things you have to do before adding IPv6 addresses in a router, is to protect its management plane. A simple way to implement a part of that is to define an ACL (Access List) under the relevant terminal lines (VTYs).

In IOS it's quite simple.
One ACL for IPv4 and one ACL for IPv6, which cannot share the same name.

ip access-list extended IPV4-VTY-ACL
 permit ip any
 deny   ip any any log
ipv6 access-list IPV6-VTY-ACL
 permit ipv6 2001:DB8::/32 any
 deny   ipv6 any any log
line vty 0 10
 access-class IPV4-VTY-ACL in
 ipv6 access-class IPV6-VTY-ACL in

In IOS-XR it gets a little bit tricky.
One ACL for IPv4 and one ACL for IPv6, which must share the same name.

ipv4 access-list VTY-ACL
 10 permit ipv4 any
 20 deny   ipv4 any any log
ipv6 access-list VTY-ACL
 10 permit ipv6 2001:DB8::/32 any
 20 deny   ipv6 any any log
vty-pool default 0 10
line default
 access-class ingress VTY-ACL

Ok, then you think that this is good because it saves you typing.
So you expect to meet the same behavior when viewing the ACLs. Bad Luck. You still have to use the "ipv6" keyword in order to view the ipv6 ACL.

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR#sh access-lists VTY-ACL
ipv4 access-list VTY-ACL
 10 permit ipv4 any
 20 deny ipv4 any any log

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR#sh access-lists ipv4 VTY-ACL
ipv4 access-list VTY-ACL
 10 permit ipv4 any
 20 deny ipv4 any any log

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:ASR#sh access-lists ipv6 VTY-ACL
ipv6 access-list VTY-ACL
 10 permit ipv6 2001:DB8::/32 any
 20 deny ipv6 any any log

Talking about uniformity...


IOS-XR offers a different way to protect the mgmt-plane by using the MPP feature (Management Plane Protection).

1 comment:

  1. Unless this doc updated based on your feedback,
    Note sure if you had a chance to look at this doc on CCO


    To restrict access of incoming or outgoing connections over IPv4 and IPv6, the IPv4 access list and IPv6 access list must share the same name


    I agree on uniformity but uniformity to a level where new changes can never be implemented for a good cause :( Undoubtedly I do not agree


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